Session Annotation:

The session will focus on presenting the contours of the Pacific approach for IRIS, based on the key takeaways that emerged from the Pacific consultation organized in Fiji in August 2022. Through this session, SIDS stakeholders/representatives will reflect on the resilient infrastructure priorities for the Pacific region and the key enabling factors that will facilitate the implementation of the IRIS programme in the region.

Session Overview:

At COP26, Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) launched Infrastructure for Resilient Island States (IRIS), an initiative to promote resilient, sustainable and inclusive infrastructure in SIDS. In the inception period of IRIS, regional consultations are being organized to continue engagements with key SIDS stakeholders and identify infrastructure priorities and risks in the three SIDS regions-Pacific, Indian Ocean and Caribbean. The Pacific regional consultation was organized in partnership with DFAT Australia and UNDRR along with the thematic consultation on ‘Resilient Infrastructure’ under the Sendai Framework midterm review in Fiji. The regional consultation captured the critical challenges and significant opportunities for adopting resilient pathways for infrastructure development in the Pacific islands. Through discussions with key Pacific SIDS stakeholders, the consultation focused on understanding disaster and climate risks, infrastructure challenges and opportunities for mainstreaming resilience across the infrastructure life cycle. The takeaways from the consultation will be key in determining the Pacific programme approach for IRIS.

Against this backdrop, to garner inputs on the Pacific programme approach being developed for IRIS, a session is planned at Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR). The session will focus on presenting the contours of the Pacific approach for IRIS, based on the key takeaways that emerged from the Pacific consultation. Through this session, SIDS stakeholders/representatives as panellists will reflect on the resilient infrastructure priorities for the Pacific region and the key enabling factors that will facilitate the implementation of the IRIS programme.

Moderator Mr Stuart Brown, Assistant Director, Climate and Development Integration Unit, DFAT
Address 1 Mr Jamie Isbister, Australian Ambassador for Environment at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
Address 2 Mr Kamal Kishore, Member Secretary National Disaster Management Authority, India and Co-Chair for CDRI Executive Committee
Presenter Mr Jack Whelan, Consultant, DFAT
Panellist 1 CEO of Ministry of Finance, Tonga
Panellist 2 Senior Representative from Pacific Island Forum
Panellist 3 CEO of Land Transport Authority, Samoa