
At COP26, Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) launched IRIS, an initiative to promote resilient, sustainable and inclusive infrastructure in SIDS. IRIS aspires to equip SIDS with knowledge, tools and partnerships needed to achieve disaster and climate resilient infrastructure. Since its launch, IRIS has closely worked with partners across the Pacific, Indian Ocean and Caribbean region to better understand the regional priorities and roadblocks in enhancing resilience of critical infrastructure systems. As part of this process, to understand the regional infrastructure priorities, challenges and opportunities in the Caribbean SIDS, CDRI had organised a regional consultation with key regional and  national stakeholders at LACCW2022. The inputs from this consultation were incorporated when designing the first funding through a ‘Call for Proposals’ under IRIS which was launched at COP27. This first funding cycle of IRIS is funding projects across 13 SIDS to provide critical technical support knowledge products related to infrastructure resilience.

At LACCW 2023, CDRI will continue to engage with regional and national SIDS stakeholders to understand the emerging challenges around resilient infrastructure with a focus on technology and innovation, capacity strengthening, infrastructure governance, accessing disaster risk finance and developing regional mechanisms for effective implementation for disaster resilient infrastructure in the Caribbean SIDS. The inputs from this session will contribute to the design of the second Call for Proposals under the IRIS program which is planned to be launched at the 4th International Conference  on SIDS in May 2024 and the New Programme of Action for SIDS that will be adopted by the SIDS in the same conference.

Aim and Objectives:

The aim of the session is to receive insights and feedback from key SIDS stakeholders in the Caribbean region towards designing the second Call for Proposals and garner inputs for contributing to the New

Programme of Action for SIDS. The objectives include:

  • Spotlight Infrastructure for Resilient Island States (IRIS) and highlight its role in advancing the agenda of DRI in Caribbean SIDS in complementarity with national and regional programs and policies and SIDS’ Programme of Action.
  • Direction towards developing the IRIS programme activities including second funding cycle through a call for proposals and capacity strengthening initiatives.
  • Call for forging partnerships and collaborations where government entities, multilateral development banks, regional organizations.


Tentative Format :

Side-event at LACCW2023: Realizing the Vision for Resilient Infrastructure in SIDS
Type of event Panel Discussion
Date 23 October
Duration 1 hour (11:00-12:00)
Venue Marriott Panama Hotel (LACCW Venue)