01. Socially Inclusive Strengthening of Climate Resilient Infrastructure and Action in Caribbean SIDS

The Caribbean is the second most disaster-prone area in the world. SIDS in this region are increasingly exposed to extreme climatic events, such as storms, tropical cyclones, floods, earthquakes and droughts, which are becoming more intense, unpredictable and frequent due to climate change. School infrastructure in the Caribbean remains highly exposed to physical damage and severe education disruption from natural hazards (UNESCO, 2023). Studies show the importance of post-disaster school continuity (Sanderson & Ramalingam, 2015). 

The project aims to strengthen socially inclusive and resilient educational infrastructure to increase school and education continuity post-disaster.  

Key activities include developing needs assessment reports on school disaster infrastructure resilience to sustain education post-disaster: vulnerability assessment reports of the existing school infrastructure disaster resilience: developing strategic plans for disaster-resilient school infrastructure to strengthen school continuity post-disaster; developing disaster preparedness education training modules for teachers and school faculty to build school disaster risk reduction and resilience capacity; publishing educational infrastructure resilience knowledge products based on piloted project initiatives shared amongst SIDS for possible replication or scaling up.