06. Ensuring a Sustainable and Climate-resilient Water Supply in the Northern Part of Mauritius

As per the Updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Mauritius (2021), water (and water resource management) is identified as a National Adaptation priority in view of the vulnerability of this sector to climate change. With climate change, there is an increase in frequency of periods of dry spells and droughts, and therefore, a decrease in the availability of surface water. The Northern Aquifer is one of the five main underground water reserves in the island of Mauritius, contributing between 50-60 % of domestic water supply, hence, a potential source of water supply for the increasing water demand for the various economic sectors.  

The proposed project intends to determine the potential of the Northern Aquifer for further exploitation to mobilize additional groundwater resources for domestic, irrigation and industrial purposes to alleviate the impact of climate change and to meet the growing water demand. It will also facilitate the management of the available groundwater resources to ensure sustainable groundwater resources in the short, mid and long term. 

Key activities include assessing the groundwater resources potential in the northern aquifer of the island to support resource diversification and business continuity for all; and development of a mathematical model of the Northern Aquifer to be used as a decision support system to improve water resource management towards enhanced water security, sanitation and food and health.