07. Guidelines and Tools to Enhance the Resilience of Schools

The 250+ schools in the atoll nation of Maldives are highly exposed to natural hazards (strong windstorms, floods, earthquakes, tsunami) and climate change (worsening and more frequent floods and storms, sea level rise, extreme heat) and their physical condition makes them vulnerable to damage. Recognizing the urgent need to enhance the school resilience, the Ministry of Education has sought support in developing the national school guidelines. Additionally, the Ministry has also expressed concern that schools outside of urban centres need additional assistance. 

This project aims to ensure that school buildings in the Maldives are more resilient against climate change and natural hazards, and are healthier, safer and more inclusive spaces that foster childhood development. 

Key activities include enhancing the existing guidance from the Ministry of Education for resilient design and construction of new schools; developing a resilient schools toolkit for schools in the atolls; and sharing best practices for resilient school design and construction with other SIDS.  

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